Unlike more conventional forms of oblique projection (e.g. military or cavalier) in which parallel rays from an object intersect the projection plane at an oblique angle along two axes to produce the projected image, an oblique elevation retains a normal relationship to ground as if it were an ordinary elevation. The only distinction, however, is that its projection plane is no longer parallel to a dominant side of the observed object. A once measurable drawing (e.g. elevation) now proves difficult to measure. As the angle of the picture plane increases, an object’s dimensions appear shorter (as if the orthographic drawing were imitating its sibling, perspective). True depth is retained but compressed. A once flat projection, in which all sides are created equal, now privileges left over right, back over front, and vice versa. A simple technique transcends performance in this attempt to re-view a familiar object—a drop-leaf table—twice and at two different scales.
Ruth Estevez, Wonne Ickx
Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago, Illinois, USA
February 16 - July 1, 2017
Spaces without drama or surface is an illusion but so is depth
Project Team
Thomas Kelley, Carrie Norman, Jason Lewis